Date |
Theme |
speaker |
Meeting Minute |
Presentation |
2014/08/06 |
Design and implementation of server cluster dynamic load balancing based on OpenFlow |
賴意姍 |
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2014/08/13 |
EstiNet OpenFlow Network Simulator and Emulator |
方湘婷 |
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2014/08/20 |
Network Innovation using OpenFlow: A Survey |
楊國呈 |
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2014/08/27 |
Cisco Architecture for Lawful Intercept in IP Networks |
蔡元泰 |
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2014/09/03 |
DEFLATE Algorithm |
賴原群 |
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2014/09/10 |
A Novel Technique for Image Authentication in Frequency Domain using Discrete Fourier Transformation Technique (IAFDDFTT) |
李東岳 |
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2014/09/17 |
(開學第一周暫停meeting) |
2014/09/23 |
Android app design |
李仲哲 |
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2014/09/30 |
Reducing Traffic Congestion in ZigBeeNetworks |
楊大威 |
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2014/10/07 |
VoIP Steganography and Its Detection – A Survey |
沈遠博 |
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2014/10/14 |
SDN競賽rehearsal |
楊國呈 |
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2014/10/21 |
暫停meeting |
2014/10/28 |
Introduction of IoT Agriculture |
陳冠筑 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/11/04 |
暫停meeting |
2014/11/11 |
(期中考暫停meeting) |
2014/11/18 |
OpenFlow-based load balancing for wireless mesh infrastructure |
賴意姍 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/11/25 |
SIDD: A Framework for Detecting Sensitive Data Exfiltration by an Insider
Attack |
蔡元泰 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/12/02 |
Accelerating Multipattern Matching on Compressed HTTP Traffic |
賴原群 |
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2014/12/09 |
Steganography using the Fourier Transform
and Zero-Padding Aliasing Properties |
李東岳 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/12/16 |
2014 Mobileheroes通訊大賽
參加心得分享 |
楊國呈 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/12/23 |
Software Defined Network: Incremental Deployment with Panopticon |
李仲哲 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2014/12/30 |
Opportunities and Research Challenges of Hybrid Software Defined Networks |
方湘婷 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/01/06 |
rehearsal |
異質網路中基於 OpenFlow 之頻寬聚集路由器實作與分析 |
賴意姍 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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基於鄰居表搭配多重閘道器之ZigBee網狀網路效能改善 |
楊大威 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powerpoint.gif) ![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/01/13 |
(期末考暫停meeting) |
2015/01/20 |
IPv6 Operations and Deployment Scenarios over SDN |
楊國呈 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/01/27 |
Farming the Web of Things |
陳冠筑 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/02/03 |
Improved voip security with real-time speech hiding in G711 |
沈遠博 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/02/10 |
Monitoring Architecture for Lawful Interception in VoIP Networks |
蔡元泰 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/02/24 |
(開學第一周暫停meeting) |
2015/03/03 |
Secure blind image steganographic technique using discrete Fourier transformation |
李東岳 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powerpoint.gif) ![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/03/10 |
Wireless Software Defined Networks:
Challenges and Opportunities |
李仲哲 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/03/17 |
An Address Management Mechanism for Blocking External Communications in IPv6 Networks |
楊國呈 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/03/24 |
基於鄰居表搭配多重閘道器之ZigBee網狀網路效能改善 |
楊大威 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powerpoint.gif) ![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/03/31 |
Flexible Traffic Engineering: When OpenFlow Meets Multi-Protocol IP-Forwarding |
方湘婷 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/04/07 |
Traffic Analysis of MPLS and Non MPLS Network including MPLS Signaling Protocols and Traffic distribution in OSPF and MPLS |
方湘婷 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/04/14 |
NAT Traversal Techniques and Peer-to-Peer Applications |
陳冠筑 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powerpoint.gif) ![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/04/21 |
(期中考暫停meeting) |
2015/04/28 |
MPLS-TE and MPLS VPNS with openflow |
陳怡安 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
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2015/05/05 |
A Reversible Acoustic Steganography for Integrity Verification |
沈遠博 |
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2015/05/12 |
Benchmarking steganographic and steganalysis techniques |
蔡元泰 |
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2015/05/19 |
Multiple controller management in software defined networking |
李仲哲 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
2015/05/26 |
Design and Deployment of IPv6 Address Management System on Research Networks |
楊國呈 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
2015/06/02 |
rehearsal-基於鄰居表搭配多重閘道器之ZigBee網狀網路效能改善 |
楊大威 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
2015/06/09 |
rehearsal-以混合式 SDN 作為 SDN 佈建轉移與網路流量重導之機制 |
方湘婷 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/06/16 |
(暫停meeting) |
2015/06/23 |
rehearsal |
沈遠博 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powercam.png) |
rehearsal |
蔡元泰 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
![Download](powercam.png) |
2015/06/25 |
rehearsal |
方湘婷 |
rehearsal |
楊大威 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
2015/06/30 |
rehearsal |
沈遠博 |
![Download](txt.gif) |
rehearsal |
蔡元泰 |
![Download](txt.gif) |