802.16 IP Telephony Lab會議紀錄 時間:101年05月11日13:10 地點:暨南大學科三館321教室 主講人:王惟綸 紀錄:王雅玲 出席者:鐘揮雄、陳鈺萍、賴意姍、楊大威、王雅玲、王惟綸 一、會議主題:2-Connected Relay Placement Problem in Wireless Sensor Network 會議內容: 問題討論: Q1. P8. Originally, you can now you need eight sensors, but why finally you can know you only have two is enough? (雅玲) Ans: I will try the subset from one, two, three, until it covers all the nodes. (惟綸) Q2. P9. What is the usage of portal? (鈺萍) Ans: It can reduce the choices. (惟綸) Q3. P5. What is the meaning of e? (揮雄) Ans: The e is a constant number you given, it's just a parameter. If e is very small, the time complexity will be higher. (惟綸) Q4. P5. What's the difference with e and without e in the table about the approx. ratio? (揮雄) Ans: If there is e in the ratio, it's a polynomial-time approximation scheme. The ratio is adjustable by the given e. (惟綸) Q5. P7. Why there have the q or M? (揮雄) Ans: e can be replaced by q or M or anyone. (惟綸) Q6. Is it possible to replace the q of the BJB2009 4[2+(2+q)] to e? (揮雄) Ans: Yes. I use the same notation in the original paper to respect to the author. (惟綸) Q7. P11. How can you decide where should you put the red relay? (揮雄) Ans: You know all positions of R1, so you can uniformly put (|e|/R)-1 red relays. (惟綸) 報告時間:13:40 建議: 1. P9. 十字的藍色不明顯 (揮雄) 2. 前面花很多時間介紹演算法,conclusion時可以再提一下這個方法可以應用在哪裡 (揮雄) 3. P7在決定你要用 (4+e) 這部分最重要,可是花太少時間了 (雅玲) 散會: 結束時間:14:00